The Battalion/Detachment Commander is responsible for...
making operational decisions for the Cadet
designating particular areas for inspection and/or
supervision by members of the staff (requires reports as
inspecting work or staff orders
presiding over officer calls
making sure that all orders given, which require the
attention of the members of the command, are passed
clearly and without delay
working with school authorities in coordinating
activities of the Cadet Battalion/Detachment with the
other organizations of the school, and making sure that
battalion activities are in accordance with school policy
The Executive Officer...
acts as commander of the troops
assumes command of the Cadet Battalion in the absence of
the Battalion Commander
advises the battalion in the formation of policy and
plans the activities of the Cadet Battalion
directs and coordinates the Cadet Battalion Staff
inspects the work of the Battalion Staff and makes other
inspections as directed by the Battalion Commander
The Adjutant (S1) is responsible for...
preparing records and reports to the Cadet Battalion
maintaining cadet records
assigning cadets to units
publishing Cadet Battalion orders
maintaining the attendance rosters
maintaining the Cadet Battalion information bulletin
acting as secretary to cadet promotion and awards boards
The Public Information Officer (S2)...
published and executes the Cadet Battalion's recruiting
provides articles concerning the Cadet Battalion to the
school newspaper
provides articles about the Cadet Battalion for use in
the public media
coordinates public service events and plans such events
in coordination with the S3
The Operations Officer (S3) handles...
the organization of the Cadet Battalions' operations,
such as parades, reviews and extracurricular events
the preparation of the training schedule
the supervision and planning of field events
the marking and preparing of parade fields for reviews
and other military ceremonies
the inspection of cadet training compliance
the maintenance of the JROTC reference library
The Logistics and Support Officer (S4) is responsible
maintaining accountability of all non-training equipment
and supplies used by the Cadet Battalion
preparing requisitions for equipment and supplies as
required for Cadet Battalion operations
issuing clothing, insignia, and other supply items as
directed by the Battalion Commander and the SAI
advising the Battalion Commander of supply requirements
of operations as they occur
The Special Projects Officer (S5) takes care of...
planning and coordinating special projects as outlined by
the Cadet Battalion Commander and the SAI, in addition to
the military tournament
maintaining records on all activities and coordinations
as they pertain to the project
keeping the SAI informed as to the progress of the
The Battalion Sergeant Major oversees...
the assistance of the Battalion Commander as directed
the supervision of the activities of the First Sergeant
the supervision of the Color Guard
the supervision of the roll call during classes
the supervision of the police of the JROTC classrooms,
office spaces and areas in which JROTC activities take
The Company Commander is the person who...
conducts training and supervises the discipline of the
directs cadets in the manner of maintaining a good
military bearing and appearance
supervises the completion of the class training schedule
within the company
ensures that all officers and NCOs in the company are
thoroughly familiar with FM 22-5
makes inspections of cadets in ranks with company
makes recommendations to the Cadet Battalion Commander on
promotions in the company
reports all disciplinary cases to the Cadet Battalion
Commander without delay
uses the chain of command to the utmost when issuing
orders or making corrections
The Company First Sergeant is responsible for...
being the NCO-in-Charge of the company
supervising the training of the company and conducts
company drill
taking the roll during class periods and other company
and battalion formations
The Platoon Leader/Sergeant oversees...
his/her platoon when the Company Commander is not in
charge of the formation
the training, discipline and appearance of the platoon
the attendance of the cadets in the platoon
The Squad Leader...
is responsible to the platoon leader and the platoon
sergeant for the appearance and discipline of the squad
conducts squad drill
knows the number of personnel and the names of the
members of the squad at all times
makes an accurate report by name of those persons present
and absent during class activities, company formations,
and other battalion activities
conducts weekly inspections of the squad
becomes thoroughly familiar with FM 22-5
The Squad Members...
maintain and wear the entire cadet uniform immaculately
when prescribed
properly safeguard and care for all equipment and
materials issued to them and for which they are
are on time for all official formations requiring their
conduct themselves in such a manner as to bring credit to
themselves, the Cadet Battalion, and the school